The Ascension Studio

Mastering Your Two Worlds

Mastering Your Two Worlds

You wake up in the morning with a thought—maybe it’s excitement for the day ahead, maybe it’s stress about something unfinished. That thought creates a feeling, and that feeling influences the actions you take. Your words, your choices, your energy all ripple outward, shaping your experience of the day.

To put it simply, you really have two worlds going on; you have your inner world, which consists of your thoughts and your beliefs and your energy, the vibrations that those emotions create. And then you have your outer world, which is your environment. It’s everything outside of you.

Between these worlds are two bridges, the bridge of action, and the bridge of energy. So, you think a certain way, you feel a certain way, and you take a certain action, and that’s creating your outer world. But equally, your outer world isn’t just responding to you, it’s also shaping you. It’s sending vibration and energy back to you that’s impacting your inner world, affecting your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

It’s a beautiful cycle, and when you really understand it, you can begin to use this knowledge for you.

The Inner World: Your Creative Power

Your inner world is where everything begins. Your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and subconscious patterns create a vibrational blueprint that informs how you experience life. If you’re holding a deep belief that you’re unworthy, your emotions will reflect that, and your actions will follow suit—playing small, holding back, avoiding risks. Your inner frequency is always speaking to the outer world.

When you shift your internal state—through awareness, healing, and conscious intention—you shift the way life responds to you. It’s not about forcing the outside world to change; it’s about becoming the version of yourself that naturally aligns with the experiences you desire.

When you think different thoughts, it triggers you to feel different ways, and then you start taking different actions, which is changing your outer world.

The Outer World: Your Mirror and Teacher

At the same time, your outer world is constantly reflecting your inner state back to you. While we focus on the inner world (thoughts and feelings) some of the time, we also want to look at the outer world and how you can elevate the quality of that to match how you want to feel, so that both of your worlds are constantly reinforcing each other in a positive way.

It’s like one day making the decision to buy yourself a fresh bouquet of flowers, and when you get them home and look at them, they spark different thoughts; thoughts of joy, thoughts of beauty, thoughts of elegance, which then impacts how you think, how you feel, and how you show up, proving that your environment is so powerful.

Remember, your outer world is a reflection or a mirror of your inner world.


Creating Harmony Between the Two Worlds

When we begin working with our two worlds—the inner and the outer—we often look to our current external reality and allow it to define our internal world. But this perspective is rooted in the past—based on what we’ve already created.

To step into transformation, we must shift our focus to the future. Instead of shaping our inner world based on past circumstances, we need to envision two future versions of ourselves: our future inner world and our future outer world. The real work, then, is this: How can you begin integrating those future worlds into the present moment?

Ask yourself:

  • What do I truly want to create?
  • What experiences do I want to have?
  • Who do I desire to become?
  • How do I want to feel?

Now, take it deeper. What is your future self thinking? Feeling? How does that compare to where you are now? Your inner world must align with that future version of you before it can materialize externally.

Next, consider the environment that supports this transformation:

  • What kind of space does your future self live in?
  • Who are they surrounded by?
  • How do they carry themselves?
  • What do they read, eat, and prioritize?
  • How do they treat others?
  • What projects are they working on?

With this vision in mind, start making intentional shifts in your external world to reinforce the beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that align with your future self. It could be something as small as wearing a scent that evokes confidence, writing an email that reflects your next-level mindset, or as significant as changing your surroundings to inspire new ways of thinking.

As you begin to think differently, you will feel differently—and that energy will shape how you show up in the world. Your actions will shift, leading to new experiences and, ultimately, new results. At the same time, your outer world will send signals back to your brain, reinforcing these internal shifts.

Transformation happens from the inside out.

  • Your thoughts create your feelings.
  • Your feelings drive your actions.
  • Your actions shape your results.

So, envision your highest timeline—and take action. Shift your environment to support the beliefs and emotions that align with your future self. And remember, change doesn’t require a complete overhaul overnight. Embrace the small shifts. Think a thought that feels just a little better. Make a subtle but intentional change in your outer world to reconfirm what you want to think and how you want to feel and what you want to believe. Because your outer world is a reflection of your inner one, and your inner one is creating your outer one.

True transformation happens when you stop seeing your inner and outer worlds as separate and start working with both worlds simultaneously. Be willing to do the tiny little daily shifts to your inner and your outer world to create the world you want to live in. Small changes add up over time. Fall in love with the process and make the journey to the dream as beautiful as the dream itself.

The Magic of Understanding the Two Worlds

You are not just a passive observer of life—you are a creator, a bridge between the seen and unseen, weaving the fabric of your own destiny. Every thought, every feeling, every small shift in perspective is an act of creation.

When you truly grasp the dynamic of your two worlds, you recognize yourself as a co-creator, constantly shaping and being shaped by the dance of energy between your inner and outer worlds. You realize that your future is not something you wait for; it is something you call in, step into, and embody with every choice you make.

So, if something in your outer world feels off, look within. And if something inside you feels stuck, let your outer world offer clues. Trust yourself. Trust the nudges, the whispers, the synchronicities that guide you. Know that as you think differently, feel differently, and act differently, the universe moves with you. Energy responds to intention.

Because the truth is— you are not here to live by default. You are here to create on purpose.

The magic begins the moment you decide it does.

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Lots of love + light…thank you for reading.

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